Antiaging - Collagen Enhancing Beauty Blend

Do you want to experience the benefits of beauty nutrition with the least amount of effort?


Try our specially formulated Superfood Beauty Blend – by Lonneke B.H. packed with amazing beauty nutrients, and delivered in a quantity to best benefit and nourish your body from the inside to give amazing results on the outside!

Our beauty blend contains the following Certified Organic Ingredients, available for pick up in our clinic.

Directions: One pack will last 30 days, to fit one average skin cycle, take 1 tablespoon a day in a smoothie for best absorption.

ACAI: Very high in Vitamins C, A and E, amazing antioxidant levels, has anti-aging effects, clears pores, increases collagen production, contains omega 3, 6, 9 for enhanced skin health, improves cellular health, improves digestion to clear skin.

SPIRULINA: Purifies blood and liver, source of all amino acids for collagen and elastin synthesis, high in chlorophyll, improves digestion to clear skin, rich in Iron and B12 for tissue repair, high antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties preventing acne, balances the body’s pH levels, improve radiance and skin glow, tones the skin and encourages cell turnover for a more youthful looking complexion.

RAW COCOA: Antiaging effects, rich in polyphenols, high in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory benefits, rich in beauty nutrients -Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Calcium and Vitamin A, aids in liver detoxification, protects and repairs the skin from damage and premature aging, improves skin's overall complexion.

MORINGA: Contains high levels of anti-oxidants, detoxifies, anti-aging properties, enhances skin health, heals wounds, aids in keratin formation for skin, nails and hair growth, anti-inflammatory properties, improves digestion and enhances skin immunity.

CURCUMIN WITH PEPPER: High in antioxidants, strong anti-inflammatory properties to reduce skin redness and acne, liver detoxifier, antibacterial and antiseptic properties to promote wound healing, promotes youthful and radiant skin, helps with skin glow, and reduces dark circles under eyes.

WHEATGRASS: Potent detoxifier, high in many antiaging enzymes, improves digestion, cleanses, purifies and restores alkalinity to the blood, source of all amino acids for collagen and elastin synthesis, slows the aging process, rejuvenates cells, reduces skin sagging, anti-inflammatory, clears skin, improves blood sugar balance for less breakouts, high in chlorophyll, high in beauty vitamins A, B complex, C, E, K, source of B17, clears breakout and acne scars, maintains youthful looking skin.

If you are after an individually formulated blend for your health concern contact Lonneke on the button below.